
Cinnamon Granite




Cinnamon Granite Gravel is a warm-toned exquisite choice among gravels, and its unique cinnamon color makes it ideal for adding a touch of warmth to gardens, pathways, and decorative landscapes.


Is ideal for giving landscapes a warm and inviting feel.
Boosts the aesthetic beauty with its unique cinnamon shade.
Provides great drainage, similar to other gravel types.
Limits weed growth when properly installed.


Gravel is sold by the cubic yard.

A single cubic yard covers roughly 170 sq. ft. of 2″ deep material/110 sq. ft. of 3″ deep material.

Determine the volume you need based on your area dimensions.
Cinnamon Granite Gravel can be procured in bulk.


Our delivery service is available at a rate of $2.50 per mile.
The minimum delivery charge is $50.00.
Delivery charges are calculated based on the distance to your location round-trip.
If you have bulk orders, our delivery trucks can accommodate a wide range of quantities.
Bulk orders can also be loaded directly at our yard. Please ensure that your vehicle can safely handle the weight.


Start by ensuring the area is free from any debris.
To reduce weeds, you can lay a weed barrier before adding the gravel.
Distribute the gravel evenly to achieve the thickness you want.
If you’re using the gravel for driveways or pathways, think about compacting it for added stability.


Cinnamon Granite (Gravel) may contain up to 20% Crusher Fines.